Dear visitor, 

Welcome to Yupango

Following my appointment as Dean of Business School Lausanne (BSL), I have stopped all my coaching and training activities in the course of 2008.

I am glad to refer any requests you may have to talented colleagues of mine who, I am sure, will do their best to respond to your needs and requirements at the best of their abilities. I can be reached by email via katrin [a] .

If you wish to order my book "Golf, the game of life" (Fr. 38.- plus porto) available in its 3rd edition in french ("Golf, le jeu de la vie") or in German ("Golf, das Spiel des Lebens"), simply send me an email to the above-mentioned address.

Needless to say, I am pursuing my life-long mission to contribute to discovering and enabling ways to develop potential in all of us, with the aim to contribute my little part to a better world, including fundamental values of sustainability, personal responsability and the power we all have to make the impossible possible. "Dream no little dreams", as a CEO once told me.

Coaching was a powerful way for me to discover what it takes to enable somebody's full potential to be discovered, embraced and lived. Translating these learnings together with my previous international business experience into a vision of what it takes to develop future leaders who are ready and able to do the right thing to the best of their abilities, is the challenge I have accepted by running BSL now. I am thrilled and humbled to take on this serious charge.

I remain active to develop solutions towards a future worth living for, be it from the economical, development, corporate or personal perspective. My engagements as board member of foundations, as speaker, or simply as contributor shall be maintained as much as possible.

Press information and other requests: please contact me directly at BSL, Avenue Dapples 38, Lausanne, Phone +41 21 619 0606 or by email info [a] . I remain at your disposal for all additional information. 

Wishing you all the best for continued success, pleasure, health and happiness!

Warm regards,

Katrin Muff